Tuesday, June 17, 2008

How to leave a comment

We’ve had a few people ask about how to leave notes so here you go…

1. At the bottom of a post, click on “comments”
2. This will take you to a new page where you can type in anything you want under the heading “Leave your comment”
3. Next, copy the word verification into the box
4. Sign your comment under “Choose your identity.” You can use your Google name, enter another name by clicking on the little circle beside “Name” or be anonymous
5. Lastly, click “Publish your comment”

Thanks for posting :)


oldest_cousin2be said...

Sean and Amy,

I find it...interesting the number of people that still can't post a comment. It's ok everyone. Follow the rules, VERY CAREFULLY.


Anonymous said...

You may be computer savy, but some of us older folks, like your NANA, still have brain problems figuring out how to do this type of thing.