Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Apt. with Dr. Josephson

We just got back from our appointment with Dr. Josephson. She's the newest doctor at the practice, there are five total and we've seen all but one so far (any one could be on call when you deliver so they ask that you schedule at least one apt. with each.) She was great and the appointment went really well. The baby's heartbeat was 145, the lowest it's ever been but perfectly fine. My blood pressure was fine and measurement was right on track for 33 weeks. The dr. felt around my belly, she said she saw a foot! And that he is head down with his butt facing forward on my right side. It was neat to hear about what he was doing and where he was!

Next week we have 'off' as Sean puts it, then we start going to dr. apts. every week! Hard to imagine we're getting close to crunch time but we're very excited to have the little guy out in the world with us before much longer.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Dr. Apt/Childbirth Class - Aug. 19

On Tuesday, August 19 we had our 30 week checkup with Dr. Gorsuch. Everything looked good! Heartbeat was 152. She said we needed to find a pediatrician soon so we put it on our list and will be comparing two this week.

We also started childbirth preparation classes at the hospital. There are about 10 other couples in the class with us. Some of what we're learning is really interesting and new to us, some we'd already heard or read, and some (those videos!) is just downright frightening, lol, but we're glad to be going through it together and feel sure it can only help us when the big day arrives.

Here's the latest belly pic:

Nursery Furniture Arrives!

Baby Shower - August 10

Sorry it's been so long since we've posted (more on that later)...a lot has happened in the last month. While we were up in Maryland for Jim's wedding, Mom and Jen threw baby Niner a shower. It was such a great day, so much good food (of course) and so many of our loved ones attended: Bebbie, Lois, Nancy, Lori, Robyne, Marie, JoAnn, Anne, Sharon, Katie, Erica, Emma and Reagan. We had a great lunch, guessed a how many jelly beans were in a bottle, everyone left some advice in a notebook for us and then we opened gifts. Sean even got something special - a Diaper Dude Bag! After the shower we spent the night with the Kinsey's and watched the Olympics and everyone had a chance to feel the baby kick! It was a really nice visit even though it was a short one.

We received so many great gifts (Mom and Jen nearly bought out the Toys R Us) that we came home feeling like we were really ready for the baby to arrive. But not quite yet, he still has some growing to do. We knew we could keep busy washing all of the little clothes and blankets we received and putting things away in the nursery. We just had to wait for the furniture to arrive...