Monday, September 1, 2008

Dr. Apt/Childbirth Class - Aug. 19

On Tuesday, August 19 we had our 30 week checkup with Dr. Gorsuch. Everything looked good! Heartbeat was 152. She said we needed to find a pediatrician soon so we put it on our list and will be comparing two this week.

We also started childbirth preparation classes at the hospital. There are about 10 other couples in the class with us. Some of what we're learning is really interesting and new to us, some we'd already heard or read, and some (those videos!) is just downright frightening, lol, but we're glad to be going through it together and feel sure it can only help us when the big day arrives.

Here's the latest belly pic:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice belly Amy!!

Bet you're glad it's empty now.
