Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Apt. with Dr. Josephson

We just got back from our appointment with Dr. Josephson. She's the newest doctor at the practice, there are five total and we've seen all but one so far (any one could be on call when you deliver so they ask that you schedule at least one apt. with each.) She was great and the appointment went really well. The baby's heartbeat was 145, the lowest it's ever been but perfectly fine. My blood pressure was fine and measurement was right on track for 33 weeks. The dr. felt around my belly, she said she saw a foot! And that he is head down with his butt facing forward on my right side. It was neat to hear about what he was doing and where he was!

Next week we have 'off' as Sean puts it, then we start going to dr. apts. every week! Hard to imagine we're getting close to crunch time but we're very excited to have the little guy out in the world with us before much longer.

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