Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Appt. with Dr. Gorsuch: 5/14

We had our 2nd appointment with Dr. Gorsuch today - I believe this is our 4th overall. Mom Hoye came along, too, and she didn't even ask any (silly) questions! :)

The nurse came in and rubbed jelly on the heartrate monitor and put it up to Amy's belly, and the sonar went to work - it was tougher to find the baby and isolate the heartbeat this time, but she said a lot of that had to do with the baby moving around! The heartrate came back at 152, although I watched and it was jumping all over the place - real hard to get the baby to stay still this morning.

They first said Amy had a slightly high level of protein, so Dr. Gorsuch ran some further tests - but they came back with no protein, so nothing to worry about. We asked about the stitch/cramp in Amy's side (is it appendicitis! we both wondered - thanks Ed), and she said it was probably some ligament cramping. Am only had it for about a day, so it shouldn't be anything to worry about, but Mom and I both recommend that she resist picking up all 30 pounds of Bubba Man.

That's about it - less than two weeks to our final ultrasound, and then we find out whether it's Ms. Baby Niner or Mr. Baby Niner!

We love you baby - can't wait to find out whether we'll be playing dolls or G.I. Joe.

Love, Daddy

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