Friday, February 5, 2010

Great appointment today!

We had a great visit to the doctor today! Brady's heartbeat was a good 146 and he now weighs 3 lbs and 13 oz which puts him in the 57th percentile at almost 31 weeks (or a tiny bit bigger than average).

The best news we got was that my cervix has grown! (I didn't even know that it could!) Last week it was 1.1 cm and today it was up to 1.3! This was a real relief since I'd been told I'll be hospitalized if it gets below 1. They didn't even give me a steroid shot today as planned since they are optimistic he's not coming in the next week or two. 

The not so good news was that I was about 2 cm dilated. We go back next Wednesday so I'll just keep my feet up and fingers crossed until then :)

Thanks to everyone for your support and prayers.

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