Tuesday, August 5, 2008

28 Week Appointment

We had our monthly appointment yesterday with Dr. Little...For the diabetes test I had to drink a bottle of really sweet fruit punch, but it wasn't so bad. The appointment went well, we heard the baby's heartbeat (168) and she said my measurement was perfect. It might have been the first appointment (since morning sickness) where I had some things to complain about: really bad heartburn (she said it's probably here to stay) and a pain under my ribs on the right side (my uterus apparently, also here to stay). But everything is going well, I just need to keep exercising so I'm not as big as a house when he's born. They'll call me if anything comes out of my blood tests, so no news is good news. And now we're going to be having appointments every 2 weeks instead of 4 - time is flying by!

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