Thursday, April 24, 2008

Baby Niner is just starting to show itself. Here's the first picture Sean's taken to track the progress of my growing belly...


kinsey6 said...

Greetings Baby Niner Blog! We have voted--can you guess what each of us has voted for? :)
Keep posting pictures--we love to see what's going on!
Hope you're feeling well, Amy--don't let Sean drive you too crazy!
Love you guys!

The Kinsey's

LauraS said...

How cute! I see a bump! It is amazing to me how fast *other people's pregnancies* seem to just fly by! lol

I voted as well.....

Congrats on hearing the heartbeat again....


Anonymous said...

I pray for you and the baby's health. May God bless you and keep all of you safe. Congratulations!